Friday, 31 August 2012


With everything finalized, I invite you to take a look at my portfolio where I feature the final motion pieces, posters and comic book.

Lempo Portfolio Page Link

Thank you to everyone who contributed, followed and gave me support during this process.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

So Close

Lempo was one of the most exciting projects I have had the privilege to create. The concept development, pre production, production and post production were all so much fun and exciting to complete. These aspects to the project are obviously very important, however, one aspect to projects and films that is sometimes looked past is project management. A lot of paperwork, release forms, scheduling, call sheets, communication with the clients and talent, timecodes, rasci matrix's, project charters, and so much more helps mold and enables the project to actually happen. Since, this is one of my favorite parts and something I enjoy so much, how could I not put some screen shots of my short 169 page production book.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Final Steps: Case Study

We are required to do a case study for our graduate project. This 1-2 minute video will showcase the ins and outs of the project from concept and pre-production to the final product. Maddy did a wonderful job at cam op'ing and helping me film my "Lempo interview".

I decided to take a different approach for my case study. Although, the interview style showed my personal take on the project, the text and photo based video was more effective in highlighting the key process points of the project.

Friday, 13 July 2012


The graduate project is almost coming to an end. The two motion pieces are completed and poster promotion pieces are done. There are a few tweaks I would like to make before making them final.

Here is a little teaser video for the project, someday the final versions will be uploaded.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Refinement and Experimentation

Refine, refine, refine. With two weeks until the project is due, I am finalizing the edit so that sound and music can be added. Tim Shetz, my great mentor has been guiding me along this process the past couple of days. He's been giving me some really critical feedback and huge help in order to make this trailer as successful as possible.

Experimentation and play with the logo.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


It's the final stretch! Officially only three weeks left to complete the project. Still working on post production for the motion pieces. Next step is sound design by the amazing duo Juan Manuel Garcia and Mayte Cabrera Cazorla for the trailer and I am attempting the sound design for the animation. I am excited to see it all come together in three weeks.

I have started developing some promotional pieces: movie trailers and web banners. I only have the first draft done, so they are still rough. I am also playing around with a few different tag lines for the story, as well. I'm finding it difficult to settle on one!

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Post Production 2

I'm currently working on some visual effects for the trailer, as well as some color correction practice and play. They're all pretty rough right now, but it's slowly coming together. I had some help from Mr. Gabe Abeyta making the edit of my trailer have a little more impact on the audience.
Color Correction:

I am getting all the psd's organized for the graphic novel animation, which took a lot longer than anticipated. I have placed them all in AE, now they are all ready to be animated!

Fun rainbow color organization! Uh huh!

I have to set some times for ADR in the next couple of days for Ludi Lin as he will be leaving the country at the end of the month. More VFX, editing, animating and sound design coming up!

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Post Production

Now slowly easing into post production for the animation and the trailer. The animation is the scene of Lempo first arriving on Earth where he meets Michelle and Johnny for the first time as well as the scene where he is banned from Hell until he has been "corrected." I took screen shots of the live action and compared them to the animation. SUPER stoked on how these turned out.

Character Development:





Trailer - Behind the Scenes - Crew

Thank you so much to my cast and crew for both days.

Cast & Crew in order of first picture right to left:

Anton Eneholm – Datura and Lempo Make Up Artist
Larissa Higo – Tartarus, Michelle and Johnny Make Up Artist
Ludi Lin- Tartarus
Momona Komagata – Datura
Marc Belanger – Lempo
Maddy Rumball – 1st AD
Mayte Cabrera Cazorla – Sound
Juan Manuel Garcia – Sound
Chandni Buxani – 1st AC
Sam Koopman – Cam Op/DP
Everett Bumstead – Grip
Colin Roberts – Deformant/Tortured Human
Ashley Hawkins – Production Assistant
Fernanda Herrera - Photographer
David Gomez – Production Designer
Angie VanCuren – Producer/Director
Sonia Bashash – 2nd AC
Elisha Walker - Michelle
Zen Hunter - Johnny
Zakim Nuraney - Grip

Douglas Gordon - Deformant
Somin Heo – Production Assistant
Youjin Seo – Production Assistant
Reva Dawn Schmidt – Jacket Chest Piece Costume Maker

Behind the Scenes pt. 2 - Actors

Thank you to all of my amazing actors.

Datura played by Momona Komagata's transformation. 

Tartarus played by Ludi Lin's transformation. 

Lempo played by Marc Belanger's transformation.

The Deformants transformation played by Douglas Gordon and Colin Roberts. And a special shoutout to Colin who also played the tortured human.

Michelle played by Elisha Walker's transformation

Johnny played by Zen Hunter's transformation that we did not capture enough pictures of.